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 Verna Blakey Public Auction
Saturday, November 26th, 2022 10:00 AM
2617 Hwy J22, Russell, Iowa 50238

 Driving Directions: North of Corydon on IA 14 HWY to the Millerton, IA turn off, then 3 miles east on J22 

2 hour selling time 

 Farm Primitives & Misc.
Railroad carts; galvanized tubs & buckets; hay track cars; (30) m/l steel wheels; cow kickers; horse bits; etc.; (1,000) used steel posts; several Red Brand cattle panels; telephone poles; etc.; (2) fuel barrels with stands; bale carriers; hay rings; fairly large pile of salvage iron; 

Machinery & Other Equipment
IH wooden spreader, ground drive; Walsh running gear with galvanized flair box; 4-row AC planter; Nobel 4-row rear mount cultivator; AC chisel plow, pull-type with 10 shanks; AC pull-type 6’ brush cutter; New Holland 9’ 3PT sickle mower, stored inside; 15’ Krause offset disc; AC 4 bottom 3PT plow; Freeman 8’ 3PT blade; JD field cultivator; New Holland 258 hay rake with dual dolly wheels; Danuser post hole auger with 10” bit; J&M 250 bushel gravity flow box on HD gears; 10’ pull-type cultipacker; Kewanee disc; Kewanee 40’ elevator, PTO, with boot; (2) running gears with grain boxes; other machinery pieces for salvage; 

 Terms: Cash, check or credit cards. No items will be removed until settled for. Sellers or auction company are not responsible for accidents, errors in listings or lost items. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any printed matter. When registering for a buyer number proper I.D. will be required. 

Lunch by Denise. Restrooms available on site. 

 Don Wagner, 641.931.6832

 See more at: www.donwagnerauction.com 

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