May 18, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 pm
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Saturday, May 18th, 2024 • 10 AM
9926 West F-70., Prairie City, Iowa 50228
(1/4 mile East of Jct. of F70 &S6G) • Rain or Shine. Lunch and restroom on site.
TRACTORS: 1985 Allis Chalmers 8070 170 Hp. 6830 hrs. MDF Power shift, air ride seat, front weights, 20.8-38 tires good rubber hub duals (new cab kit); Farmall 560 Diesel wide front, great rubber 2 point Parade ready; 1991 Ford 1920 w/1515 hrs. FWA w/7308 loader; Ferguson TO35; John Deere 148 loader 7ft bucket w/John Deere mounts (good cond.); 28in rear tire chains; John Deere 5065 FWA w/loader 880 hrs. (nice 1-owner); Ford 8N
TILLAGE EQUIP: John Deere 960 30 ft. Field cult. New shovels w/3bar harrow; Case IH 4600 24 ft. Vibra-shank field cult.; IH Little Genius 2-14 bottom pull plow; IH Little Genius 3-14 bottom pull plow; Harrow sections; IH-45 16ft. Vibra-shank pull type field cult. HD Caldwell 3pt 5 shank subsoiler; IH 496 Disc
PLANTING EQUIP: Minneapolis-Moline 10 ft. Grain drill; John Deere 12-30 front fold 7000 Planter w/ Monitor, Corn meters; John Deere LF10 Drop seeder
HARVESTING EQUIP: 250 bu. Gravity wagon; Parker 4000 double door 450 bu. Gravity wagon; Badger chopper wagon; Gehl 970 Chopper wagons/walking tandem rear axles; Gehl chopper wagon; New holland #27 silage blower (works good); 10in x 71ft Fetryl auger w/ swing hopper; Rich 8in.X70ft Auger; New holland #27 blower
MISC. EQUIP: 1000 gal. Water tanks w/trailer, 110volt transfer pump; 7ft. 3 pt rotary mower; Pot hole digger; 3pt. Log splitter; Assorted lumber bundles 2×4, 2×6 etc. 12ft-16ft long; Misc IH-Farmall Parts, seat assemblies Mags, F-20 radiator Generators, starters, Cub wheel weights, 4 cyl. Head, misc.tin work; 3pt 7ft rotary mower; 3pt 6ft Blade; Krusty 6 in Jointer; Schultz 84 in. Snow blower w/Hyd. Shute; 1000gal. Diesel barrel; 200 gallon Gas barrel; Land-pride 3pt, 7ft finish mower; John Deere 709 3pt. 7ft. Brush mower; 6 solid wheels for Brush mowers
TRUCKS: 1973 Ford F-600 Grain truck w/361 V8, 16ft. Wood box 51740 miles; 1995 Dodge Ram 3500 12V Cummins 5 speed 2 wd, flat bed lots of new parts
HAY EQUIP: 2-New Holland 9ft. 489 Haybines; John Deere 530 Round baler w/ monitor (always shedded); 5th wheel 8 bale hay trailer; 2-New Holland 68 square balers; 8ft.x14ft. Hayrack w/JD gear
LIVESTOCK EQUIP: 10ft.x30 ft New Loafing shed; several gates; Steel post; Corner braces; Gehl 120 Grinder-mixer w/hyd. augers;
HORSE ITEMS: Corral panels; large rubber stall mats; Amish Built single horse buggy (storm damage); Saddle rack; Hay feeder; Harness; Misc Horse items
LAWN & GARDEN: Roof mower; 3pt PTO driven Sweepster driveway broom; 5×10 dog run
Sale Conducted by Pendroy Auctions LLC.
To consign contact Perry @ 641-891-4276 or e-mail to. pendroyauctions@yahoo. com or call Mark @515-681-2335.
We will take consignments until 2hrs before sale time. Sale bill written 2 weeks before sale.
Go to www.pendroyauctions.com for updated listings.
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