June 1, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 11:30 pm
Saturday, June 1, beginning at 9:00 A.M.
Located at 17648 310th St, Davis City, IA 50065
Directions: From the state line exit 114 off I35 go N. on US Hwy 69 approx. 1 mile to 310th St, turn right go 3.7 miles to sale site. Or from the N. get off I35 at exit 4, go East on Hwy 69 approx. 2.5 miles to 190th Ave go South 2 miles to 310th St, follow it West 1.3 miles to sale site. Watch for auction today signs.
FARM MACHINERY: 371 Detroit diesel power unit, guns good, as is; New Idea 4 bar hay rake; Isuzu 4 cylinder diesel w/ buzz saw; Massey Harris 9 bar hay loader; Huber Supreme 22” x 40” thrashing machine; Moline hay rake (4 bar); McCormick corn binder, bundle carrier not complete; 2-McCormick #9 Reg. gear 6’ mowers; John Deere 7’ grain binder; John Deere 14T hay baler needs attention; Case silo filler; Pioneer 6 ton wagon gear w/ hay rack; Steel wheel box wagon; 10” Bear Cat hammermill; 16 hole McCormick grain drill; 3 section 9’ spring tooth harrow; 8’ Dunham cultimulcher; Taylor Way New Land disk 24” heavy duty blades; 10’ single disk; 2-Single cultipackers; McCormick 2 horse cultivator; Fertilizer attachment for McCormick cultivator; John Deere 2 bottom plow has almost new mold boards; 14 RH riding plow has Oliver bottom; John Deere 999 corn planter; Casmo 500 cone fertilizer spreader on wagon gear; #10A New Idea manure spreader; Yoder field sprayer; 14’ truck tire pasture drag; Wooden field drag; Self loading round bale wagon; PTO driver cyclone seeder; Lime spreader attachment for New Idea spreader; New Idea and McCormick hay loaders; John Deere grain binder; McCormick corn binder for parts or junk; Buck rake (hay scoop).
HORSES & HARNESSES: 15 yr old Percheron mare, sound; 9 yr old draft cross bay mare bred to Belgian due 4-15; 3 yr old black 3/4 standard bred cross gelding, not traffic safe; 20 yr old bay gelding traffic safe, sound; Yearling Belgian cross filly; 4 yr old black standardbred all purpose cross mare, not sound, traffic safe; Consigned: 4 yr old sorrel all purpose gelding, sound; Set nylon work harness; Set bio all purpose harness; Several single work harnesses; 18” roping saddle; Collars.
HOUSEHOLD, COLLECTIBLES, MISC: 2 Burner oil stove oven, good condition; Swivel chair; Cupboard; Old Perfection oil stove for parts; Knee hole desk; Pie safe; Walnut wood box; Sewing machine heads; Iron skillets; 2-Glider rockers; Clover Hill cloth seed corn bags; Burlap bags; IH cream separator; Brown glass cookware; Water set; Gal jars; Blue carnival bowls; Stainless cookware; Berry sets; Crocks; Blue cake pan; Blue milk or cream pitchers; Canister set; Cake stand; 25 gal. iron kettle; Nut cracker & bowl; China sets; Old lanterns; Quilt frame; Coffee mugs; Honey extractor; Water separator; Graniteware: canner, roaster, and more; Old butchering knives; Kerosene lamps; Bar stool; Sad irons; Galvanized buckets; Hog scrapers; Old lunch buckets; Old kerosene heater; McGuffy reader; Canning jars; Massage table.
FARM & CATTLE RELATED, MISC: 2-3-4 Horse eveners; Neck yokes; Clevises; Step ladder; Ice tong; 28’ Aluminum extension ladder; Potato plow; 5 Hp Honda; 2.5 Hp Honda; 5 Hp LTC; 2-Hay knives; Corn sheller unit for New Idea corn picker; Log chains; Chain hoist; Come-a-longs; Chain binders; Enough new chain links for New Idea manure spreader web; Handyman jack; New Clover Leaf hay carrier; Jamesway hay carrier; Hand tools and more— Flooring nailer; Sledge hammers; Sm. Stainless steel pig creep feeder; Ladder jacks; Roof jacks; Plastic barrels; Old buggy wheels; 20’x 6” drive belt; 50’x 7” drive belt; 1 man cross cut saw; 450 gal. poly water supply tank; 2-2 man cross cut saw; Well pipe clamp; Post hole diggers; Planter plates; Straw, manure, hay and silage forks; Axes; Corn knives; Digging spud bar and pick; Wooden tongues; Block and tackle; Brute 2500 PSI power washer; Roller mill w/ auger; Drain snake; Several old steel wheels; Cement mixer; 2 buzz saw stands for 3 point hitch; Bale spear; 30” Toro reel mower w/ steel wheels; Road grader; Horse drawn fork lift; 36” pre-hung steel door (new); Hack buggy w/ racks; Several wagon loads misc.; Feed king 2 ton creep feeder; 20-10’ Corral panels; Bale rings; 4-10’ Steel feed bunks; Portable head chute; Dehorner & more.
PRODUCE ITEMS: EZ trail produce sprayer 18’ extend single boom Hypro pump; 2” irrigation pump w/ 5 Hp Honda engine; 2” Lay flat; New 1 horse walk behind garden cultivator; Row cover hoops; Fiber glass tomato stakes; New 3/8” cable; Curtain cable; Assortment of drip line fittings; 1 1/2” Fertilizer injector; New roll row cover 7’x 500’; Hand bean planter; Used header line and Y filter; Hand garden cultivator; Rakes, Hoes and more; Greenhouse material; Wiggle wire; 40-8’ pieces of wiggle wire channel; 2-Curtain weights; 20-10’ pieces conduit for curtains; 2-Curtain winches.
GUNS & HUNTING MISC: 1400, 12 ga Winchester automatic shotgun; 22 cal. Marlin automatic; Bobcat 50 cal. CVA muzzleloader; First strike XLR bear compound bow; Self climbing tree stand; Sport ground blind.
Owners: Bennie T. & Martha A. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Menno Byler will offer the above items of good quality for your consideration at public auction. We might sell with 2 rings so bring a friend. Lunch will be available on site. Hope to see you at the auction.
Terms: Cash or check with ID. Not responsible for accidents. Statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material.
Martin Auctions
Auctioneers: Larry Martin, Loren Martin & Mel Yoder
For more auctions go to ID # 47012