Gary and Ester Mae Cox Moving Sale
August 26, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 pm
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Gary and Ester Mae Cox Moving Sale
Saturday, August 26th, 2023 at 10:00 A.M.
Fairgrounds Community Building, Winterset, Iowa • Note Start Time.
HOUSEHOLD: Amana chest freezer; Dresser; Dining table & chairs; Four 8’ folding tables; Small Century safe; 2-door pantry; IMAX w/4 gig w/24” screen; Photography equipment; Restaurant table labels; Lots of new Pampered Chef; 2 box fans; Brother printer; Lots of fabric; Misc. sewing items; Couch table; Three 2/door glass cabinets; 2 complete queen beds; Parlor tables; P. Buckley Moss prints; Maple table w/2 leaves & 6 chairs; Pressure canner; 4 wooden TV trays; and more.
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Stoneware jugs; Canning jars; Crock; Cream cans; Cast iron cistern pump; 2 50# weights; Wooden kegs; Wooden bucket; Egg baskets; 10 PLUS advertising boxes; Two and Three full sets of 7 & 13 canning jars; Lots of zinc lids; Lighted rear stop light; Other reflector lights; Fan-back lawn chair; Bluegrass stripper; Lots of galvanized items; Ice tongs; One Dollar token Ratliff Bros. Grocery, Winterset; Two class rings; 1 set of wedding rings; Cob buckets; Several brass torches; Barn pulleys; Draw knives; Hanging scales; Kodak flash cameras; Mickey Mouse items; Longaberger baskets; Old paper work; Stetson hat; Unusual lightning rod ball; Small advertising anvil; Several kerosene lamps; Milk bottles; Parlor table; Pocket knives; Some farm toys; Cast iron pot w/lid; Collar iron; Jars of marbles; Feed scoops; Lots of buttons; Round oak table w/5 leaves; School desk; Small brass wall-mount bell; 2 sets of brass sleigh bells; and more.
TOOLS & OUTDOOR: Two martin houses; Garden fence; 6’ metal trough; Garber power seeder; Hoes, shovels, forks, etc.; Battery pack; 2 saddles; Air tank; 20 gallon air compressor; Fluids; Power washer; Toolboxes; Lots of hand tools; Bench grinder; 10” Miter saw; Sawzall; Angle grinders; Drop cords; Side-mount pickup toolbox; Battery charger; Stihl gas weed eater; Metal detector; New locking gas caps; Coolers; Two metal shelving units; and more.
GUNS AND AMMO TO SELL AFTER EQUIPMENT: Winchester model 74 butt fed 22 rifle; Stevens 22 single shot boot pistol; Winchester Model 37 20g single-shot shotgun; Hawthorne Century 22 single-shot bolt action rifle; 3 rifle scopes; 22 Ammo and 20 g Ammo.
PICKUP AND FARM EQUIPMENT ETC. TO SELL AT 1:00: 2019 Dodge Ram 1500 Classic 5.7 liter, 71,000 miles, 4 x 4 w/cattle guard and running boards; 2019 18’ Feather light livestock trailer; 1969 Farmall 756 Diesel tractor wide front w/hydrostat, good rubber; Alles Chalmers wide front gas tractor w/hydraulics & near-new rubber; New Holland Super 68 square baler; New Holland 258 rollbar hay rake; Massey Ferguson DM 246 Disc mower.
TERMS OF SALE: ID is required to receive bid numbers. Gun permits are required to purchase firearms. We accept cash and checks, no cards, and we are not responsible in case of accident or theft. Thank You.
Hartman Auctioneering
Steve Hartman – Cell 515-468-7857, Home 515-462-4584