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60 Acres M/L, Grand River Twp., Adair County, Iowa
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022 • 10:00 am
Farm Location – 260th Victor Ave., Greenfield, IA

 From Greenfield, IA junction Hwy 92 and 25 5 miles east on Hwy 92 then 2 miles south on Henry A. Wallace Rd then 3 miles east on 260th St.

 Selling will be 60 Acres of farmland located in Grand River Township. The property would make a good add on for your present operation or a great starter piece. 34 acres of crop ground, remaining acres are wetlands, timber and grass. 2002 feet of tile added in April of 2012. A great property for hunting.

Average CSR-2 of 62.92

TERMS: 10% down day of auction to be held by Maynes Law Firm, closing agent and attorney, 641-743-2800, Greenfield, IA. Balance due at closing. Possession at closing when clear title is given subject to existing land lease in effect. Inspection of property by contacting Donnie Wilson at 641-221-0412.

LEGAL: NW NW 27 75 30 Parcel #1227100001W1/2 NE1/4 NW1/4 27 75 30 Parcel #1227100006Grand River Twp., Adair County, Iowa

Sale Method: 60 X final auction bid.

NOTICE: Each bidder is responsible for conducting at their own expense all inspections, inquires and other due diligence regarding this property. All figures, sketches and dimensions are approximate. Property is sold AS-IS with no guarantees expressed or implied by sellers or agents

Donnie Wilson, Owner
Mike Maynes, Attorney and Closing Agent – 641-743-2800

Auctioneers: Tim Baier 641-221-0302; Kolby Baier 641-745-0337
Ted Wallace 641-745-5424; Larry Symonds 641-221-0205

Not responsible for accidents. Announcements day of sale take precedence over written material. 

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