Live Toy Auction
January 31, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Live Toy Auction
Saturday, Feb. 10tH • 10:00 A.M.
Approximately 200-300 Farm Toys
Located at 105 E Marion (Legion Hall), Monroe, Iowa
NOTE: 90% of the toys are w/ boxes. Boxes are pristine to poor and most are 1/16 scale. Most toys are JD or IHC
Pair of brand new battery boxes for a real 4020 sells FIRST, JD Swag Lamp
COMBINES: 2 – 7880 JD combines in NEVER OPENED BOXES; Franklin Mint AC 60 combine (never opened); JD pull type ‘canvas’ combine w/box-box is good; JD combine w/both heads G&W box; (2)IHC 2388 by scale models (1 red, 1ss); Prestige JD 55; 6600 combine w/ice cream box
PEDALS: IH 1066 RP; JD-never played with; 2-4020; 7020; 4430; 4440; 8R; 8R410; 7930; older BMC
1/8 SCALE: JD 4020; 2 IHC M’s-long & short muffler, 1 w/ fenders, 2-1066 (1 Black, 1 Red)
OLDER TOYS-NO BOXES: IH 400; 806NF; IH 1256/duals, cab; IH disc; JD 3020; IH SM; 1206 no muffler; JD 112 chuck wagon; 4020
PRECISION TOYS: JD 494 planter; 4020 NF & WF; JD hayrack
TOYS W/ BOXES: Older JD elevator; older JD 4020; IH 1566; IH 15 series combine; several JD toys in G&W Boxes; IH Historical set; JD baler; JD disc; JD picker
AUCTIONEERS: Jim Beattie; Phil Schooley
Bob Heemsbergen-Owner