Murray Community Consignment Auction
May 13, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 11:30 pm
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Just in time for Mother’s Day
Murray Community Consignment Auction
Saturday, May 13th, 2023 9:00AM
1389 Doyle St., Murray, IA 50174
Directions: From Osceola, IA take HWY 34 west to Murray water tower, then south on R15 approx 6 miles, then east on Doyle St. 1 mile to auction site.
Lunch by Amish Ladies
Amish Bake Sale • Fresh Donuts
Flowers, Hanging Baskets, Pots, Planters & Vegetable Plants (garden ready)
Farm Related Items: sell at 9:00 am
Bachtold mower; 1 ó ton Husky hog feeder; approx. 150 steel T post; approx. 50 treated posts; new barbwire; power weed mower; hedge posts; rabbit feeders & waterers; 12 hole rollaway nests; Bell Matic chicken waterers; 2 new Dura Fount cattle waterers; new 5×6 chicken coop w/outside access to nests; solar fencer; Pride of the Farm mineral feeder; corner braces & wire; livestock working chute w/headgate; lots of pitchforks, silage forks & shovels w/ new handles; big bale feeders; misc. pipe gates; calf bottles & holders; large cement mixer on wheels; assortment of steel eveners; grease guns; lots of fencing tools; electric tank heaters; 2 new rolls woven wire.
Sports Related, Hunting & Fishing: 17 cal. Savage model 93R17HMR bolt action with scope in box; 12 ga. 3 ½” Mossberg 835 pump ultra mag; 12 ga Remington 1100 semi-auto; CVA 50 cal. black powder Bush Wacker; 22 cal. Stevens model 15Y bolt action; 22 cal. Western Field bolt-action; various ammo including 20 ga., 12 ga. & 22 cal.; new & used rods, reels & tackle; Whitetail classic compound bow; Bear Whitetail II compound bow; live traps; foot traps; snow skis; 20 ga. Mossberg pump with rifled barrel; new insulated deer blind 6’x6’ on gear.
Household Items: Glider rockers; 2 dining room hutches; Lazy Boy recliner; dining room table; end tables; sewing rocker; hope chests; chests of drawers; file cabinets; hand-crank ice cream freezer; meat smoker; gas grill; canning jars; new queen size mattress; water coolers; ice chests; sewing machines; wind up clicks-chime; Session mantel clock; high chair; 14’ folding picnic table with castors; china sets; punch bowl sets; cut glass punch bowl set; patio table with 6 matching swivel chairs; 2 new square tubs Maytag wringer washers like new; 1 square tub Maytag; Coleman lanterns; 2 roll top desks; 15’ store display shelf; stainless milk buckets.
Antiques: Letz Burr Mill; oil lamps; old metal hand pump spout; HEY brand hay carrier with forks; lard presses; Sunbeam hand-crank sheep shearer stand with shaft; hand-driven post drill.
Shop Tools & Misc Items: Powermatic model 66 10” table saw with 52” biesemeyer fence; 150’ 4” spiral blower pipe; Atlas 10” table saw; DeWalt 10” table saw; bandsaw; Jonsered 2152 chainsaw (works); Stihl MS194T chainsaw (like new); new & used log chains; Stihl 011 chain saw; 28hp Hatz diesel engine with stub shaft & electric start; several trailer loads of new & used hand & power tools; Lister Petter engine (stuck); several hay racks with misc.; Husky concrete saw; 2 heavy duty sewing machines; approx. 200 bd ft. cedar lumber; approx. 100 bd ft oak lumber.
Yard & Garden: JD 314 riding lawn mower with 48” deck (sharpened & ready to go); reel push mowers; JD snowblower 726E (runs like new); Cub Cadet rear tine tiller with Honda engine (like new); Troy built push mower with 21” deck (like new); Mantis tillers; several wheel barrows; electric weed eaters; Cub Cadet ST4175 4-cycle weed eater; Stihl FS 56 RC 2-cycle straight weed eater (like new); small yard seeder; step ladders; yard & garden rakes; garden hoses; extension cords; garden cultivators; 2 new raised flower beds; horse drawn lawn mower; landscaping rock; sleds; weed eaters.
New Furniture, Quilts & Crafts:sells at 10:30am
Hand stitched quilts & tops; picnic tables; crafts; blue bird houses; martin houses; poly lawn furniture; oak dining room table extends out 18’; rustic bed with matching 3 drawer nightstands; half log benches; half log coat racks; small cedar-pine chests; new cedar corn-hole game.
Machinery: sells at 1:00 pm
Oliver PTO manure spreader; Big Ox dirt scraper; JD chopper 1-row & 2-row; JD 740 10’ LH hay rake; new big bale cart with unroller on steel; 8’ Shipshe cultimulcher (like new); JD 14T small square baler (works good); 8’ JD straight disc; Donahue trailer with new floor; NH 55 hay rake; JD 11’ drill mechanical w/grass on steel; NI #17 manure spreader on rubber; NI #17 manure spreader on steel; JD disc with wings; JD12’ drill hyd with grass on rubber; IH 430 small square baler; IH #9 regular gear mower; IH #9 high gear mower; IH #7 high gear mower; JD big 4 mower; 3 PT big bale spear; JD barge wagon with hoist; bush hog 7’ 3 pt rotary mower; 40’ Kewanee 500 elevator; 15’ Low Boy trailer; Torsion axle for cart; JD 2 bottom plow; tumble bug; 4 section harrow hyd w/cart; JD running gear on steel; 60’ Westfield 8’ grain auger; JD steel wheeled wagon w/wooden box; JD no 3 mower (rebuilt); Pioneer 1 bottom plow w/KV bottom; JD model L manure spreader; 26’ Koyker elevator w/hopper & engine; NH 56 9’ hay rake; 2 section harrow w/hyd cart; MM corn sheller; new hay rack on IH gear; 7’ pull type tandem disc plow; 8’ 3 PT blade; JD big #4 hay mower (rebuilt 6’); IH #9 hay mower (rebuilt 6’); IH #7 hay mower (rebuilt 6’); NH 66 small square baler; Farm Hand 5 wheel rake; IH 6’ hay mower regular gear (rebuilt); new 4’ cultimulcher; 250 bu gravity flow wagon.
Loader on premises to load & unload. There will be a $20.00 loading charge after 7 days.
Horses: sell at 12:00 noon
Team 4 & 5 year old Belgian mares well broke and sound; coming 1 year old Belgian standard bred cross stud colt; sorrel draft mare smooth mouth broke; 4 year old sorrel mini mare halter broke; 5 year old mini paint stallion (can ride); 16 year old quarter horse gelding broke; 16 year old quarter horse mare broke; 6 year old 52” paint pony mare broke to ride & drive mini pony broke; 2 year old 52” sorrel pony stallion well broke to ride; 2 year old DK bay quarter horse mare with 3 whites (well started); 2 year old blue roan mustang filly with papers; 2 year old sorrel mustang gelding with papers. 2 year old ¾ Belgian Quarter cross & Yearling ¾ Belgian Quarter cross stud colt – half brothers
Other Livestock: 1 year old A2A2 jersey bull; A2A2 jersey heifer; Chickens; Bantys; new baby chicks; baby ducklings
Tack & Horse Related: Horse wormers; bridles & saddle blankets; 15” & 16” saddles; new 19” carefree collar with pad; new breast collars; lead ropes; new halters; rope halters; new single driving harness; 2 new sets nylon draft harnesses; new thermal lined horse blankets; pony cart; 3 pony saddles.
Trailer load of new items from Chupp Brothers
High Auction Service LLC
Contact: Randy High (660) 216-0515 • Butch Sowers (515) 209-9265
Chris Hochstetler – 1389 Doyle St., Murray, IA 50174
Terms: Cash or check with proper ID. Not responsible for accidents or theft. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any and all advertising.
Items must be picked-up within 30 days of auction sale. After 30 days any/all items become property of Murray Community.