Public Auction: Bill & Debbie Gillman
August 26, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 pm
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Public Auction
Bill & Debbie Gillman
17836 450th Street, Chariton, IA 50049
Saturday, August 26, 2023 10:00 AM
Driving Directions: 4 miles south of Lucas Iowa on US Hwy 65 then 3 ½ miles east on 450th Street (turn at Goshen Cemetery & Church)
Collectibles & Household Items
Handmade wooden boat, glass butter churn, comforters; brass bed; lighting rods; Lionell train set (short the engine); glass top patio table w/4 chairs; 6310 Vitamaster treadmill; box fans; (3) metal lawn chairs; sheets; Carhart coveralls; garbage cans; coolers; water jugs; square tub Maytag washer;
Farm Supplies
Near new power painter; near new auto dimming welding helmet; electric hedge trimmers; like new 20” Snapper snow blower; Dyna-Glow 180-220 BTU space heater; Troy Built power washer (needs pump), log chains; iron wheel model wheel barrow; several garden hoses; saw horses; bridge planks; (25) m/l T-posts; bundle of electric posts; part roll 48” woven wire; Comet air compressor; 15.5 38” tire chains; 48” Brinly lawn roller; seed cleaner; cattle & hog panels;
Tractors, Trailer & Farm Implements
JD 3020 gas tractor, wide front, hours unknown, good condition, Synco mesh transmission; AC WD-45 narrow front tractor, D-17 motor, good shape, sells with loader; IH 470 disc, 13’6” with cylinder; Danhauser digger with 12” bit; 8’ 3pt blade; 2 pt bale mover; 10’ pull type CHE brush cutter; Hale 16’ livestock trailer, with title; 16’ tandem axel car trailer with title;
See more at: www.donwagnerauction.com
Don Wagner Auction Company, LLC
Don Wagner, 641.931.6832
Terms: Cash, check or credit cards. No items will be removed until settled for. Sellers or auction company are not responsible for accidents, errors in listings or lost items. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any printed matter. When registering for a buyer number proper I.D. will be required.