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Carroll County, Iowa Farmland
Monday, April 3 @ 10:00 A.M.
Auction to be held at the Arcadia Legion Hall, Arcadia, IA 

115 acres m/l of farmland plus 5 acres m/l of the acreage in Sections 15 & 16 Arcadia Township to be sold in 3 parcels. (located directly north & east of Arcadia) 

 Parcel 1: 75 Acres m/l subject to survey; PLC Yield: Corn 168 – Soybeans 49; CSR2: 82.5 according to Carroll County Assessor Located in NW NW 1/4 Section 15 of Arcadia Twsp.

Parcel 2: 40 Acres m/l – PLC Yield: Corn 168–Soybeans 49; CSR2: 84 according to Carroll County Assessor. Located in IRR SUR SE NE LOT 5 & IRR SUR NE NE LOT 4, Section 16 or Arcadia Twsp.
NOTE: These two parcels have a combined DCP Cropland 107.56 acres with the corn base of 53 acres & soybean base also of 53 acres. The FSA information is subject to change after the survey is completed. Parcels 1 & 2 will be offered as choice of both parcels. The successful bidder(s) may select one or both parcels.

Parcel 3: 5 Acres m/l – subject to survey. Located in NW NW 1/4 of Section 15 (Parcel 1) Acreage consists of an older 1½ story frame home with full basement and 2 door garage and outbuildings. Home is in excellent state of repair with newer siding and windows. 2 door attached garage and room addition were constructed in 2010. Furnace is 10 years old.
NOTE: New owner will be responsible to upgrade septic system. 

 Fencing: Existing fences are in as is condition and will not be updated or replaced by the Sellers. Not all tract and boundary lines are fenced and if needed, will be the responsibility of the Buyer(s) at closing. Existing fence lines may not fall directly on the legal boundary.

Surveys: The farmland tract acres are subject to change on Parcels 1 & 3 according to the surveys prior to or after the auction. No additional surveying or staking will be provided by the Seller.

Terms: 10% down payment made day of sale with the balance due in approximately 30 days, when possession will be given. The successful bidders will be required to sign a standard real estate contract on day of sale. Taxes will be prorated until the date of possession. 

 Note: The farm has been rented out for the 2023 crop year. The new owner(s) will receive the first half of the cash rent upon the date of possession. The second half will be paid to the new owner(s) on December 1, 2023. There are no contingencies connected with this property. All facts and figures have been researched from reliable sources, but are not guaranteed of their accuracy. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over any previous advertisements. 

For phone bids, contact Steve Seidl 712-210-0209 by April 1
Following the land auction we will be selling 4 tractors:
1949 Ford 8N w/3 pt; 1955 CA Allis Chalmers w/3 sp. transmission; 1940 B Allis Chalmers w/59” Woods belly mower; 1946 C Allis Chalmers w/2 row cultivator.
Tractors are restored & running. Pictures on the website.


Executors: Roger Berg 712-790-0372 and Deb Ludwig 712-210-1914
Dave Bruner of Bruner, Bruner, Reinhart & Morton Law – Closing Attorney
Auctioneers: Steve Seidl 712-210-0209, Chris Ludwig 712-830-9879

For details, pictures & more information…go to website: seidlauction.com or auctionzip.com
To inspect property & tractors, contact the executors at the above phone numbers. 

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