August 26, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 pm
2705 Main St., Unionville, MO 63565
Saturday, August 26th at 10:00 am
ATV’S: 2018 John Deere 825M Gator full cab enclosure, Polaris Sportsman 500, Honda 420.
GUNS: Guns to sell at 12 many are new: Spencer carbine dated to 1865, S&W 500 mag, S&W sw380, S&W 60 .38, S&W 65-5 .357, S&W 22A-1 .22, S&W M&P 340 .357, S&W SD40 .40, Ruger American .223, Ruger P90 .45, Ruger single six .22, Ruger GP 100 .357, Ruger Wrangler .22 revolver, Ruger P95 9mm, Ruger super redhawk .44, Glock 10 mm, Taurus 605 .357, Colt 1911 .22, 2 Mossberg 500A 12 ga, Mossberg 835 12 ga, Boito Kmart sxs 12 ga, Marlin xt22 .22, Savage 64 .22, Tara 9mm, Savage 11 6.5 creedmoor, Hipoint 9mm rifle, Taurus 9mm, Charles Daly 12 ga on Browning patent, Taurus ultralite .38, Tristar OU 12ga, Marlin 30 AW 3030, Winchester 94 44 mag, Savage 110 30-06, Weatherby 308, Stevens 87b .22, Taurus the judge 45 and 410, Dan Wesson 357 mag revolver, Savage 22-410 ou, Taurus 22 revolver, RIA .38, Savage Bmag .17, Ithaca 49 .22, Remington 522 .22, Remington 870 12 ga, Hipoint 9mm., Heritage .22, Nice selection of antique Mossberg 22s to include multiples of each: 144,44,46,42,51,545,151,146 some are US marked, Stevens 311 sxs 20 ga, Winchester 67 67A 87, 1904, 190 22s, Mossberg 183 410, JC Higgins 50 270, Wards 93m and 48a 22s, 8 antique revolvers, Remington 581 592 510 22s, older clip fed Marlin 22, 4 antique Stevens falling block 22s, 2 Winchester model 12 12ga, Zabala sxs 410, Wards sxs 410, 2 antique damascus sxs 12 ga, coast to coast 22, Ithaca 20 ga pump, Remington model 12 octagon barrel, new and used muzzleloaders, Knight 45-70 50 cal combo gun parts guns and barrels. Ammo: .22, 17, .22 mag, .38, 44, 45, 357, 10 mm, 500 smith, 7.62×39, 410, 12 ga, 308, 223, 6.5, 270, 35 Remington.
Taxidermy: Water buffalo in top 10, elk, stag, wild boar, mule deer, several whitetail, mountain goat, pike, lots of sheds, antique etched elk glass out of an old door, several new knives, Coins will sell at 1130: Several very nice Morgan dollars as well as Walking Liberty halves.
SPORTING ITEMS: Several fishing poles, holsters, gun cases, reloading dies and books, hunting books, decor, framed prints, KK ax, deer stands, wood ammo box, clothing, bb guns and more.
Preview from 2 to 5 pm on August 25th. Sit down type sale in a climate controlled building. All FFl rules to be followed. Food and restrooms available.
Check out pictures on Facebook or our website at www.altiserauctionandappraisal.com
Altiser Auction and Appraisal • Kris Altiser 660-626-4960