Traps, Guns, & Household Auction
September 23, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 11:30 pm
Traps, Guns, & Household Auction
Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023 • 11 AM
Located: 311 Iowa Ave, Benton, IA
Directions from Mt. Ayr – 6 miles west on Hwy 2 to 160th Ave. then south to the southwest corner of Benton. SIGNS POSTED.
Featuring Merle and Tony Butler Traps and Guns
TOOLS, WELDER & TORCH: Lincoln Power Mig 140C wire welder; welding hel-met; oxygen acetylene torch, complete setup; Cummins 5 gal. air compressor & hose; Black & Decker 18 volt drill with battery & charger; bench vise; ratchet and socket sets; wrenches; hammers; pliers; screwdrivers; pipe wrenches; extensioncords; drill bit sets; levels & squares; jumper cables; solid state 6 amp battery charger; 2HP pedestal grinder with light; long handled tools; Fairbanks 1000 lb. antique scale; portable table saw.
OUTDOOR ITEMS, TRAPS AND TRAPPING SUPPLIES: Gas walk behind self pro-pelled garden tiller with Briggs 212cc motor; Stihl FS40c gas trimmer; gas cans; tomato cages, many homemade; coolers; Grill Zone gas grill; Uniden Marine radio and antenna. Many traps and supplies! Various sizes Conibear traps; leg hold, single & double spring; dog proof traps; snares and snare building parts; wood and metal stakes and trap setting tools; sure to be a few antique traps; trapping dirt and lures; fur stretchers and drying racks; four chest deep freezers used to store fur; skinning machine with electric winch and gambrel; gun soft cases; gun cleaning kit; hedge trimmers; electric leaf blower; air bomb; garden hose on reel; halogen light; hand meat grinder; tool boxes; handyman jack; Chicago Electric rotary tool kit; baling twine; 25 gal. sprayer on cart; fishing nets and tackle
FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD: German Black Forest Cuckoo clock; Painting by local artist Jo Ross; Singer sewing machine; drop leaf kitchen table and chairs; ironing board; kids desk, drop front; wood top computer desk with metal frame; metal bed frames, twin or king size; rolling swivel desk chair; 5 drawer chest of draw-ers; ceramic heaters; vintage 1847 Rogers silverplate flatware set with serving pieces; old trunks; Wayrite kitchen or counter scale; Mr Coffee coffee maker; Tupperware; knife sets; new Black & Decker coffee cups; misc kitchen supplies, bowls and glass, measuring cups; Corningware; 3 pc. canister set; china sets; skillets and pots & pans with lids; antique pitcher and bowl; bakeware; king mat-tress pad; king comforter; blankets; books; games.
HAND GUNS: Browning .22 LR semi-automatic; Harrington & Richardson H&R Sportsman double auction .22 LR revolver; NEF Gardner .22 Super Shot sealed 8 revolver.
RIFLES, SHOTGUNS & PELLET GUNS: Winchester Model 74 .22 LR; Remington Speedmaster model 552 .22 LR; Savage Model III .223 Rem bolt ac-tion with golden antler 3×9 scope; Crickett .22 short/long/long rifle bolt action; Remington The Scoremaster Model 511 .22 short/Long/LR; Harrington & Richard-son model 700 .22 WMRF semi-auto magazine fed; Remington Model 34 .22 LR bolt action; Ithaca 12 gauge pump action model 37; Numman Bros 12 ga. side by side double hammer/double trigger; Remington 12 ga. barrel unknown model; Savage 20 ga./ .22 over under; Savage model 340 series E bolt action .222 rem magazine fed; Dockendorff bolt action .222 magazine fed; Westlake .177 cal air pellet rifle; ELgarro .177 cal air pellet rifle; Daisy No. 25 pump BB gun antique.
Butler Homestead
Vickie Butler Pierce, Owner
Geidel Auction Company
AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Justin Geidel 641-745-5150; Chantz Davidson 641-202-6961; Joe Bair
Sale Clerks: Amy Hook, Alisha Geidel
Ringman: Vern Blazek, Dave Swanson
Terms: Cash or good check with photo ID if unknown by the auction crew. Portable restroom available and lunch on grounds.
Visit us on Facebook at Geidel Auction Company oronline at www.geidelauctioncompany.com for more photos