Auto (Auto)
FOR SALE: Estate car, 2006 Hyundai Tucson, 4WD, everything works, clean as new and drives like new, gold color, 111K, good tires, $3,300. 641-895-7982.
Auto (Auto)
FOR SALE: 2009 Pontiac G-8 GT, original and runs great. Best Offer. Call Ken 515-306-0019 or Kenchoquette@ (Des Moines)
Auto (Auto)
VEHICLE WANTED: 100,000 miles or less, 10 yrs. old or older. 515-770-9705.
Auto (Auto)
FOR SALE: 2004 Buick LeSabre Limited, 180K miles, 3.8 engine, $1,000 OBO. 641-638-4563, Osceola.
Auto (Auto)
FOR SALE: 2010 Ford Focus 145K, runs perfect, everything works, no rust and no issues, reliable, good car $2,700. 641-895-7982.
Auto (Auto)
FOR SALE: 1998 Chevy Silverado 4x4, short box, red, 212,000 miles, nice interior, many new parts, redone, then rolled, $3,500. 515-971-5555.
Pickups (Auto)
2012 F-350 4x4 XLT extended cab 6.2 gas 280,000 miles, Ranch hand bumper, B&W Hitch, nice truck some rust $7999 or best offer. Call 660-425-0514
Pickups (Auto)
WANTED: Late model Chevy pickup, '78-'89, no rust. 515-770-9705.
Pickups (Auto)
1999 LARIAT Ford F250, white, excellent, front clip hood, both fenders, grill, ext. cab, 4x4, glass in good shape, open for offers, same as 1999-2006. 641-745-7260.
Pickups (Auto)
2012 F350 4x4 XLT, extended cab, 6.2 gas, 280,000 miles, Ranch hand bumper, B&W hitch, nice truck, some rust, $7,999 or best offer. Call 660-425-0514.
Vans (Auto)
FOR SALE: Dodge Grand Caravan 3.3 V-6, 180,000 miles, $1,000 OBO. 641-638-4563.
Auto Parts & Service (Auto)
WANTED TO BUY: Complete drivers side front door for 2023 Honda Accord, preferably white. 641-218-4605.
Auto Parts & Service (Auto)
(4) MICHELIN snow tires 235-50-18, used 2 seasons with 5,800 miles of use for late model Chevy or Buicks, asking $300, West Des Moines. 515-224-4033 or leave message.
Auto Parts & Service (Auto)
SAM'S UPHOLSTERY I make custom and stock seat covers and interiors for cars, trucks, vans, tractors, RVs and motorcycles. Have an upholstery project in mind? Call me at 515-537-4832
Auto Parts & Service (Auto)
I BUY JUNK vehicles, aluminum, copper, brass converters, steel electric motors, air conditioners, farm & commercial. Pick up available. (30) years experience. Donham Salvage 515-250-3112
Auto Parts & Service (Auto)
CAR SEAT benches on casters, call for price. 641-414-1797.
Auto Parts & Service (Auto)
SET OF 4 tires, like new, 275/70/R18 10-ply. $600. 515-238-5522.
Auto Parts & Service (Auto)
ROCK SLIDER rails off 20x24 Jeep Rubicon, call for pricing. 641-414-1797.
Classic Cars (Auto)
FOR SALE: 1963 Avanti Studebaker, original and runs great. Best Offer. Call Ken 515-306-0019 or kenchoquette@ (Des Moines)
Classic Cars (Auto)
1967 DATSUN 520 pickup 71K miles, no rust, straight body $4,500 OBO. 712-254-6036.
Farm (Farm)
Large round bales of hay. Grass & 1st - 4th cutting alfalfa. Priced accordingly. 2nd - 4th cutting is silage wrapped to prevent any spoilage. $75-$130. Semi Load delivery available for a fee. Creston, IA Clint Travis 641-344-5447
Farm (Farm)
2012 F-350 4x4 XLT extended cab 6.2 gas 280,000 miles, Ranch hand bumper, B&W Hitch, nice truck some rust $7999 or best offer. Call 660-425-0514
Farm (Farm)
Wanted to lease farmland/ timber for hunting. Almost any size property. Will pay top dollar for better parcels. We have farmed our entire lives and respect property as if it were our own. Looking for more ground due to having a large family that all love hunting. Looking especially in Northern Missouri within 25 miles of Lineville. Southern iowa within 20 miles of Humeston. 315-323-1579 ask for Rob
Farm (Farm)
WANTED TO BUY: Looking to buy 1950's JD, A or G, must be in good running and sound condition, prefer good tin, want to use, not just look at. Call Rich, 515-231-2465.
Farm (Farm)
2012 F350 4x4 XLT, extended cab, 6.2 gas, 280,000 miles, Ranch hand bumper, B&W hitch, nice truck, some rust, $7,999 or best offer. Call 660-425-0514.
Farm (Farm)
NEW 3 PT. TILLERS Heavy duty, Gear driven, 7ft to 12ft, Starting at $4,150 660-874-4455
Farm (Farm)
EIGHT-N FORD TRACTOR, 3 point, wide front, new tires, runs great, blade, $2,500. 712-435-9058.
Farm (Farm)
FOR SALE: A&L 500 bushel, green grain cart. New flighting & augers, works like new, no oil leaks, $4,500, come quick! 712-830-4621 or 712-292-1281
Farm (Farm)
IRON RACK 12ft. x 9ft. w/(6) shelves, heavy duty. Also a Buhler/Farm King model 840 3 pt. snowblower with hydraulic spout, excellent condition, 2-stage 540. John Deere Gator 835R. Pet carrier with tray, 21in x 24in x 36in, $30. 515-410-6439
Farm (Farm)
WANTED TO LEASE: Farmland/timber for hunting, almost any size property. Will pay top dollar for better parcels, We have farmed our entire lives and respect property as if it were our own. Looking for more ground due to having a large family that all love hunting. Looking especially in Northern Missouri within 25 miles of Lineville. Southern Iowa within 20 miles of Humeston. 315-323-1579, ask for Rob.
Farm (Farm)
BUYING TIMBER: Walnut, Oak, Maple & other species. Paid in full before trees are cut. Bonded and insured, call Cole, 641-895-8209.
Farm (Farm)
2014 JD 6150R with loader, $102,000. 641-344-6155.
Farm (Farm)
QUALITY ORCHARD grass, timothy red clover hay, large round net bales 1500-1600 lbs. average, asking $70 per bale, have 200+. Will sell in smaller lots. Have other grass hay priced for less, total hay farm. 712-542-0266.
Farm (Farm)
FOR SALE: Dairy Billy Kids, Jan.-Feb. $10 Each. 402-719-6131.
Farm (Farm)
JOHN DEERE 1023E Compact Tractor w/JD 120 loader, hydro, 185 hours. Frontier 60in box blade, never used, everything is in very good condition. Pictures available, $12,600. 641-572-0061
Farm (Farm)
FARMALL M TRACTOR, new 13.6x38" tires, new motor, transmission, clutch & radiator. 12V, P/S, wide front, (4) rear weights, 3 point. $3,650. 712-435-9058.
Farm (Farm)
IH 480 disc, 21ft $1,425; New Idea spreader $1,150; JD 3020/4020 front weights $275; Westendorf TA26 mounting brackets $450; Donahue Implement trailer, 21ft $900; Knoedler feeder wagon front loader auger wagon $720; lightweight big bale ring $125; 8ft. 3pt. blade, heavy duty $425; Belarus 925, runs out good $650, 641-414-1262.
Farm (Farm)
SALE: Vermeer 1022 wheel rake with splitter $7,500. 641-629-8962, call after 2p.m.
Farm (Farm)
LARGE ROUND bales of hay, grass & 1st-4th cutting alfalfa. Priced accordingly, 2nd-4th cutting is silage wrapped to prevent any spoilage $75-$130. Semi load delivery available for a fee, Creston, IA, Clint Travis, 641-344-5447.
Farm (Farm)
RETIREMENT SALE: NH CR940 combine for sale, 3022 hrs, new front tires 800-65-R32, grain and moisture monitor, auto temp control, air seat with buddy seat, windshield wiper with washer, heated mirrors, priced at $39,500 today. 712-830-4621 or 712-292-1281. New Holland 74C 25ft platform, 3in knives, 25ft head mover goes with it; $11,900 with head trailer. 712-830-4621 or 712-292-1281.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
For Sale: 2024 Clean Grass Hay; Large Rounds; No CRP Or Ditch Grass; Net Wrapped; Baled Dry; Tight And Heavy 1500-1600#. Located South Of Winterset. Call/Text Randy 515-975-3980. $55 Per Bale.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
For Sale: 2024 Clean Grass Hay; Large Rounds; No CRP Or Ditch Grass; Net Wrapped; Baled Dry; Tight And Heavy Weighing 1500-1600#. Located South Of Winterset. Call/Text Randy 515-975-3980. $55 Per Bale.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
FOR SALE: 2024 Clean grass hay; large rounds; no CRP or ditch grass; net wrapped; baled dry; tight and heavy 1500-1600#. Located South of Winterset. Call/text Randy 515-975-3980 $55 per bale.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
300 BALES Brome, net wrapped, no rain, average weight 1,600 to 1,700 pounds, tractor on premises to load, buy one or all, $60 each, Orval Hamilton in Corydon, IA or Unionville, MO. 660-592-2865 or 660-988-1349.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
FOR SALE: OCIA certified organic yellow corn. alfalfa/grass hay, large squares or round bales. 641-751-8382.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
HORSE LOVERS and hobby farmers, 4ftx5ft round bales of hay, approx. 800-900 lbs, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cutting alfalfa, orchard grass, cash only, Promise City & Russell, Dale 515-707-4657.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
FIRST & SECOND CUTTING of alfalfa orchard grass mix hay. 641-414-3850
Hay & Seed (Farm)
FOR SALE: Quality alfalfa orchard grass hay, large round net wrapped, 1st and 2nd cutting 2024 hay $70-$80; 1st and 2nd cutting 2023 hay $50-$60, 641-414-2373, Osceola.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
FORTY CORNSTALK bales, $35 each, Truro and Greenfield. 515-468-5283.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
HAY FOR SALE: 2023 net wrapped with (20) 5ftx6ft bales, (50) baled 2024, first and 2nd cutting, same bales as 2023 hay. 641-745-7260.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
FOR SALE: Alfalfa grass hay, square bales, small and mid sized, Winterset. 515-493-6179, 563-271-7564.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
FOR SALE: (18) large round bales hay, mixed grass, plastic twine wrap, 2nd cutting $50. 641-203-4498, Chariton, IA.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
FOR SALE: 2024 Clean grass hay; large rounds; no CRP or ditch grass; net wrapped; baled dry; tight and heavy 1500-1600#. Located South of Winterset. Call/text Randy 515-975-3980 $55 per bale.
Hay & Seed (Farm)
1ST AND 2ND CUTTING Hay For Sale. Nice mixture Alfalfa, Timothy, Orchard grass available in big round (1,770 lbs) at $85; Small squares $6.50 per bale, no rain, will help with load out, Martensdale area. 515-802-0543.
Livestock (Farm)
For Sale: 2024 Clean Grass Hay; Large Rounds; No CRP Or Ditch Grass; Net Wrapped; Baled Dry; Tight And Heavy 1500-1600#. Located South Of Winterset. Call/Text Randy 515-975-3980. $55 Per Bale.
Livestock (Farm)
For Sale: 2024 Clean Grass Hay; Large Rounds; No CRP Or Ditch Grass; Net Wrapped; Baled Dry; Tight And Heavy Weighing 1500-1600#. Located South Of Winterset. Call/Text Randy 515-975-3980. $55 Per Bale.
Livestock (Farm)
Large round bales of hay. Grass & 1st - 4th cutting alfalfa. Priced accordingly. 2nd - 4th cutting is silage wrapped to prevent any spoilage. $75-$130. Semi Load delivery available for a fee. Creston, IA Clint Travis 641-344-5447
Livestock (Farm)
FOR SALE: 2024 Clean grass hay; large rounds; no CRP or ditch grass; net wrapped; baled dry; tight and heavy 1500-1600#. Located South of Winterset. Call/text Randy 515-975-3980 $55 per bale.
Livestock (Farm)
Wanting to buy roosters and old hens for processing 515-689-2545
Livestock (Farm)
CATTLE PEOPLE, my opinion, bunches of black steers and heifers too high to make profit. Taking small cattle orders, mixed color cattle and calves, wide weight range, cash or cashier check or letter credit, Decatur Co. 641-784-6124.
Livestock (Farm)
YEARLING ANGUS bulls for sale, semen tested, EPDs, St Charles. Pat Sullivan, 515-490-1357.
Livestock (Farm)
FOR SALE: 2024 Clean grass hay; large rounds; no CRP or ditch grass; net wrapped; baled dry; tight and heavy 1500-1600#. Located South of Winterset. Call/text Randy 515-975-3980 $55 per bale.
Livestock (Farm)
WANTED: Certified Hereford slaughter steers & breedable heifers. Absolutely no growth implants, corn distillers (AKA skunk deodorant), GMO, grass fed, or black white face allowed. Premium prices paid. Details, 515-229-1958
Livestock (Farm)
RIDER'S DORSETS have purebred production type ewes, $350, 641-340-0330.
Livestock (Farm)
RIDER'S DORSETS have purebred production type rams, $400, 641-340-0330.
Livestock (Farm)
(3) BRED FAINTING GOATS, due any time, (2) Buck Fainting goats, 5 years old. 515-318-9747
Livestock (Farm)
FOR SALE: Dairy Billy kids, starting 1/15 to 2/15, one to five days old, $10 each. Put your order in soon; Also, alfalfa hay in small squares, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cuttings; also paint ponies to pick and choose from, Emery Miller, 20843 200th St, Sigourney, IA 52591, 2 miles North of Casey's.
Livestock (Farm)
LARGE ROUND bales of hay, grass & 1st-4th cutting alfalfa. Priced accordingly, 2nd-4th cutting is silage wrapped to prevent any spoilage $75-$130. Semi load delivery available for a fee, Creston, IA, Clint Travis, 641-344-5447.
Livestock (Farm)
5YR OLD purebred white Dorper ram $200, good breeder. 641-895-7676.
Livestock (Farm)
WANTING TO BUY roosters and old hens for processing. 515-689-2545
Misc. (Miscellaneous)
TWO PUG puppies, male and a female, $400, have had first shots. 641-344-9728
Misc. (Miscellaneous)
BOSE STEREO speakers, 601 series, three speakers $1,200 OBO. 712-254-6036.
Misc. (Miscellaneous)
TWO PUG puppies, male and a female, $400, have had first shots. 641-344-9728
Misc. (Miscellaneous)
FOR SALE: 7ft. Meyer pickup snowplow with toggle control, don't need it anymore $1,000. 515-783-2902.
Misc. (Miscellaneous)
FOR SALE: Welding helmets, new and used, call for price 641-414-1797.
Misc. (Miscellaneous)
8X16 DOOLITTLE cargo trailer; (4) 265/701/17 Wrangler tires on 6-bolt Chevy aluminum wheels; 8in bridge tile saw; Even Heat kiln; misc. power tools. 641-660-2597.
Firewood (Miscellaneous)
FUNDRAISER: Firewood Sale $65 per load, your truck, NE Clarke County, proceeds to Unity Masonic Lodge Building Fund. 641-414-1721 or 515-210-3475, text or leave message.
Building Materials (Miscellaneous)
USED STEEL panels: 36inx26ft, good shape, unscrewed from roof, green in color, 50 panels at $20 per panel, Corning, 641-202-9494.
Real Estate (Real Estate)
Manufactured and Mobile Homes for sale 3bd 2ba Perry, Winterset, Manchester, Dyersville, Call/Text 515-465-4886
Real Estate (Real Estate)
LORIMOR 2-BED 2-bath, 3 car garage, vinyl siding, new bedroom carpet plus new laminate floor, 2 new bathrooms, new poured garage/ concrete drive, $85,000, no contract or rental. Info call Robert, 515-710-4558, realtors welcome.
Real Estate (Real Estate)
MANUFACTURED and Mobile Homes for sale, 3BR, 2BA, Perry, Winterset, Manchester, Dyersville. Call/Text 515-465-4886.
Real Estate (Real Estate)
DES MOINES HOME for sale on the Des Moines river near the marina. The home has access to the river and was the DSM mayor's home in 1950s. 515-306-0019
For Rent (Real Estate)
FOR RENT OR SALE: Nice, newer, 2BR home in Grand River, electric heat, larger yard, has storage shed, no inside pets, $650 per month, 1st and last months rent, references. 641-773-5501.
For Rent (Real Estate)
TURN-KEY RESTAURANT downtown Winterset for rent, seats around 40, furnished with everything, fully licensed, ready for the cook, $1,000/month. Mike, 515-468-5353.
For Rent (Real Estate)
RENT OR BUY very small farm, newer three bedroom one floor home with two full baths, large decks over-looking 1-1/2 acres with city provided water, electricity, sewer and 2 Mid American natural gas furnaces, central air, fireplace, formal dining room, large bar between kitchen and family room, large livingroom, four car garage, Jacuzzi tub in one of the bathrooms, built-in bookshelves and lots of extra storage rooms, North edge of Lorimor with extra 5 building lots. $180,000 asking price but will consider straight rental at $1,500/mo or rent to own. Mike, 515-468-5353.
For Rent (Real Estate)
2-BEDROOM Apartment in downtown Winterset, upstairs, $500/mo. with good references. Mike, 515-468-5353.
Mobile Homes (Real Estate)
Manufactured and Mobile Homes for sale 3bd 2ba Perry, Winterset, Manchester, Dyersville, Call/Text 515-465-4886
Mobile Homes (Real Estate)
MANUFACTURED and Mobile Homes for sale, 3BR, 2BA, Perry, Winterset, Manchester, Dyersville. Call/Text 515-465-4886.
Mobile Homes (Real Estate)
WE PAY CASH for used mobile homes and manufactured homes. We can also tear down, transport and set-up home for you. 515-577-5399.
Tack & Saddle (Horses)
RETIRED from horse showing, clothes 8-10 size, hats, caps, saddles, name it and I've got it. 515-229-0026, Linda.
Horse Breeders (Horses)
STANDING AT STUD, Chips Hot Roan Rocker HUHA silver roan, own son of Zips Chocolate Chip, sire and grand sire, both in AQHA Hall of fame, produces lots of color, Everette Lee. 712-523-2282.
RVs and Campers (Recreation)
FOR SALE: 2012 Durango KZ, Travel Trailer. 5th wheel, 32ft, with 3 slides. All Season package. Brand new tires & front jack legs. Sleeps 4. Very well maintained. Can send pictures. $15,000-OBO. 641-414-2012
Hunting (Hunting )
For Sale: Winchester Model 42. 3" takedown. Mfg. 1948. Very good condition, strong bluing. $2,600 OBOC.
Hunting (Hunting )
Wanted to lease farmland/ timber for hunting. Almost any size property. Will pay top dollar for better parcels. We have farmed our entire lives and respect property as if it were our own. Looking for more ground due to having a large family that all love hunting. Looking especially in Northern Missouri within 25 miles of Lineville. Southern iowa within 20 miles of Humeston. 315-323-1579 ask for Rob
Hunting (Hunting )
DEER ANTLERS WANTED Highest price paid. Call us first. 641-340-1123
Hunting (Hunting )
Hunting (Hunting )
FOR SALE: (3) male Beagle pups, 9 months old. 641-895-2780, (Albia, IA)
Hunting (Hunting )
A VERY GOOD CAL 50 Thompson muzzle loader, octagon barrel, #K211430, $195. With nice gun case. Ken, New Virginia. 515-306-0019
Hunting (Hunting )
WANTED TO LEASE: Farmland/timber for hunting, almost any size property. Will pay top dollar for better parcels, We have farmed our entire lives and respect property as if it were our own. Looking for more ground due to having a large family that all love hunting. Looking especially in Northern Missouri within 25 miles of Lineville. Southern Iowa within 20 miles of Humeston. 315-323-1579, ask for Rob.
Hunting (Hunting )
FOR SALE: (2) thermal scopes, one (1) pulsar Thermion XM30 $1,200; one (1) ATN Thor LT320 5x10 $1.000. Text 641-572-2469
Hunting (Hunting )
FOR SALE: Winchester Model 42. 3in take down, Mfg. 1948, very good condition, strong bluing, $2,600 OBOC. 515-669-1594.
Hunting (Hunting )
BROWNING CITORI 20ga with chokes, $1,300; 22 Hornet Handi rifle with scope $450; savage 220 slug gun with scope and shells, $500. 641-218-8127.
General Services (Services)
B&B Mini-Storage Bevington, IA Drive A Little Save A Lot! 515-462-4558 1-800-564-4551 Bussanmas Services
General Services (Services)
EARLHAM MINI STORAGE 10x20 - $65 10x10 - $40 Fenced Outdoor Storage For Campers, Boats, Vehicles and Misc. Available $10-$35/month 515-758-2137
Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)
RUSTY GOLD ANTIQUES IOWA We are picking- Collections- Houses- Basements- Sheds- Barns- Junkyards- Buy Estates- anything old we pay cash up to $100,000 on hand. We come to you. We are not a TV show, just good ole boys. WANTED: old signs- farm primitives- old tools- motorcycle parts- cast iron- toys- railroad items- gas and oil items- and more. Call 515-250-3112
Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)
WANTED: 1960s Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Husky toy cars, cases. 515-822-3984, thanks.
Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)
TOYS FOR SALE: My toy tractor collection from 80 years ago; (13) antique telephones, dial and different types from long ago; belt buckle collection, 20-30. 515-808-8249.
Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)
BUYING: Old Coins Gold & Silver Any Amount 641-344-2813 Ask For Tony
Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)
BUYING SIGNS Gas & Oil, Rail Road, Soda, Neon, Large Clocks, Vintage Advertising, Gas Pumps & MORE. Give us a call 515-991-1114.
Pets (Pets)
Shihtzu pups, registered, shots, socialized, $400, 515-205-9312
Pets (Pets)
TWO PUG puppies, male and a female, $400, have had first shots. 641-344-9728
Pets (Pets)
GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, Ready now, shots, wormed, registered, $200. 712-542-6904.
Pets (Pets)
1/2 AUSTRALIAN puppies, shots, wormed, $125. 712-350-1976
Pets (Pets)
FOR SALE: 3/4 Chihuahua, 1/8 Red Heeler, 1/8 Mountain Cur puppies. Picture of mom & dad, 8 wks old. Nice little house puppies! $350 per puppy. 515-468-0786
Pets (Pets)
MOUNTAIN FEIST cross puppies. 641-745-9252.
Pets (Pets)
SHIHTZU PUPS registered, shots, socialized, $400, 515-205-9312
Pets (Pets)
FREE: Male yellow Lab, 1yr. old, farm dog. 515-468-5283.
Pets (Pets)
TWO PUG puppies, male and a female, $400, have had first shots. 641-344-9728
Pets (Pets)
FOR SALE: AKC Lab puppies, Oct. 21, white and yellow. 319-350-8143, 319-560-3383.
Pets (Pets)
(1) MALE, (2) FEMALE Dachsund Puppies, 6 weeks old, up to date on vaccines. 563-608-2455.
Trailers (Trailers)
FOR SALE: Diamond D 7x20ft gooseneck combo stock trailer, 79in high inside, good jack, adjustable hitch, new tires 235-85R16, 14ply, good spare tire, smooth side, stakes on inside (all good), 90% paint, (2) heavy sliding gates, torsion axles, please call for information, $5,000 or $4,700 cash, can deliver, 660-953-0958.
Lawn & Garden (Lawn & Garden)
The City of Afton is currently seeking bids for the following work at Greenlawn Cemetery: Mowing Bids for 2025 • Mowing needed for approximately 20-acre cemetery: Weekly • Weed eat around monuments, buildings, trees, benches & fence lines: Bi-weekly • Coordinate with Board regarding mowing prior to special occasions: Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Cemetery Walk, etc. • End of year clean up Peonies • Must submit Questionnaire with bids. Questionnaire can be picked up at city hall. Bids and questionnaire accepted until February 3rd at 4:30 PM and should be addressed to Greenlawn Board of Trustees and mailed or dropped off at: City of Afton PO Box 199/115 E. Kansas Afton, IA 50830 For any questions, call or email: Phone: 641-347-5224 Email:
Lawn & Garden (Lawn & Garden)
REBUILT RIDING lawn mowers, push mowers and snow blowers. 515-770-9705.
Lawn & Garden (Lawn & Garden)
THE CITY OF AFTON is currently seeking bids for the following work at Greenlawn Cemetery: ? Mowing Bids for 2025 ? Mowing needed for approximately 20-acre cemetery: Weekly. Weed eat around monuments, buildings, trees, benches & fence lines: Bi-weekly. Coordinate with Board regarding mowing prior to special occasions: Memorial Day, Mother?s Day, Father?s Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Cemetery Walk, etc. ? End of year clean up Peonies ? Must submit Questionnaire with bids. Questionnaire can be picked up at city hall. Bids and questionnaire accepted until February 3rd at 4:30 PM and should be addressed to Greenlawn Board of Trustees and mailed or dropped off at: City of Afton PO Box 199/ 115 E. Kansas Afton, IA 50830 For any questions, call or email: Phone: 641-347-5224 Email: actyhall@ www.